Simply put, what we want to provide with this YouTube series is an education to the world on Florida wildlife, nature, and all-around Florida things. If you consider yourself an expert or experienced enthusiast in something here in Florida, then tell us about yourself and what you do at the bottom of this page for a chance to be featured in one of our upcoming episodes!

The Host, Jake Pelot
“My name is Jake Pelot, I’m a professional wakeboarder from Orlando, and team rider for FloGrown. Growing up in Florida there is a lot that we take for granted - weather, water, outdoor activities and so much more. With that in mind, I wanted to start a video series to give a unique glimpse of what Florida has to offer. We’d love to hear about your story, places, hobbies or unique Florida ways of life in our upcoming series!”
Tell us about yourself and what makes you, and what you do, a continuation of the legend of the Florida Man. If you’re truly the Florida Man or Woman we’re looking for, we’ll set up a time to have our host Jake Pelot and crew come out and interview you for a day for our Youtube series.